Chanesh Kumar (チャネッシュ・クマール)















I am Chanesh Kumar from Bodhgaya shibu, India. I am 19 years old. I am graduate student of Surya Bharti School sponsored by Happy Science. After passing Surya school I got admission in a good college with the help of Angel Aid Association. I am learning Japanese language and qualified JLPT N5, N4, N3 and N2. I want to become a Japanese interpreter and want to work in Japanese company in India and if I will get a chance to work In Japan then I will definitely do. My dream is that after earning money I want to establish my own company. I love to study Happy Science teachings

Literally I want to be a renowned businessman of the world like Bill Gates and Mukesh Ambaani in my future. I want to change Bihar, India and finally the whole world. I wish to change the world as master has been thinking to create Utopia in the whole world. I want to do the same work as Happy science is doing, trying to educate the world.

For fullfiling my dream I have to study Bussiness management to build my own company. I had been thinking to study in HSU since I came to know about it. I am willing to be a part of HSU. If I will get a chance to study there then I will choose the faculty of successful management. I have to focus on management study and I am willing to develop my business skills in my future. I am interested in communicating with strangers so I think I can be applicable to marketing. I have visited HSU once and got opportunity to attend the business class, that was my first experience to get business related education with high profiled Professor in such a huge university, that was really heart touching. On that day I decided to study in HSU, I am praying daily to Lord El Cantare to give me power and inspiration to be able to be a student of HSU. Hence I think HSU will be very profitable for me because there I can learn happy science teaching and can also learn business management. I have a hope in mind and I have to make my strongness to that hope. And I have a big dream to bring this world to positive direction. I am always gratefull to all Happy Science supporters and will be ever. I have trust on me that I will be able to create support chain that I have been thinking for long long time. Thank You. 



      日本に行く目的は日本の文化を学ぶことと日本語検定試験の二級の勉強をすることでした。私たちは週二回二級の講座を受けるためにYMCAに通っていました。先生たちは優しくて日本語教える専門家でした。私たちは色んなことを学んでほかの国の学生たちともcommunicationする機械ももらいました。その他にも私たちは家でママと一緒に勉強しました。ときどきゆき先生とスカイプで文法も勉強しました。YMCAに行く途中でたくさんの外国人を見るのが楽しかったです。そしてとても大好きな場所は川の側にありました。ときどきHappy Fullにもマスターの教えをどう広げていくかをdiscussionするために行きました。学生たちは皆マスターの教えについて深い知識を持ってたし、彼らから色んなことを学びました。




                ある日ラジオにも出る機会をもらいました。それは一番いい体験でした。これは村の貧しい学生のために普通なことじゃないです。ひとことで言うと神様から送られたギフトです。その日心がわくわくしていたが緊張でたまらなかったです。それからきれいな所にある名古屋しょうしん館にも行きました。ぎふしぶに行った時支部長から美味しいカレーも食べさせてもらいました。そこで私達はスーリヤ校と村の生活についてもはなしました、とてもいいチャンスでした。ぎふ支部の皆に心から感謝したいです。そしてあわ踊りにも参加しました、面白かったです、あわ踊りが好きです。私は得に日本の山と道路やハウスが好きです、それを見たら平和な気持ちが出てきます。日本人たちと何回も会った時にも新しい文化と学びを学びました。日本人は他の外国人に比べてとても違います。日本人のresponsive mannerと笑顔のおかげで日本人の皆とcommunicationするのが楽しいです、日本人はとても優しくていつも相手の気持ちを分かって助けます。



             日本の人々はいつも心からのおもてなしをしてくれてたくさんの知識に与えてくれました。皆日本の人々はいつも私達がいつか成功するということを信じてくれていると言うことを知ってとても感動しました。たくさんなサポーターたちに会ってその気持ちを知ることができました、それはサポーターたちは期待しているのはもじどおり特別な期待を私達にしたいしているでばなく私達や私たちの家族そして世界中の成功を願っていると言うことでした。日本に行ってから私の考え方は広げました。今まで考えなかったことも考え始めました。インドと日本の状況を比べてみたら時々涙も出てきました。私達の国は本当にサポートが必要なので幸福の科学はビハール首都の貧しい学生達の教育を通してサポートしてくれています。私は国を発展させるために教育は一番必要な物だと思います。私も将来インドの学生達だけじゃなく世界中の学生達が最高の教育を受けられるようなそんな仕組みを設立したいです。私は純粋な心で他の人のことをいつも考えるような人々がいる世界を作りたいです。私はサッポトをずっとつながいで行きたいです。この旅の後私は将来人々の汚れた心をきれいにして行くアイデアが出て来ること希望しています。いつか私はマスターがずっとずっと考え続けてきたすべての世界でユートピアを作りたいです。私の心をきれいにして世界の問題を解決できるようにthink bigに考えられるような機会を与えてもらったのでこの旅はとても大成功になりました。

            私はゆき先生とスダマ先生に心から感謝したいです。なぜなら二人がいなかったらこのような今の私たちはありません。二人はずっと前から私達を支援してくれています。二人はスーリヤ校を作ってビハール州を発展させ始めました。二人はいつも自分の息子のように私達を愛してくれています。二人はこの旅でとても素晴らしい役割を担ってくれました。私達だけじゃなくビハールのほとんどの人々はゆき先生のことが好きです、なぜなら先生はビハールを発展させるためのきそを作りました。私の夢は世界中で一番有名なビジネスマンになって助けを求めている人々のために働くことです、スダマ先生は私の理想です、スダマ先生のことが好きです。私は毎日いつか人々を助けることができるようにエル・カンターレに祈っています。この旅を私の人生のturning pointにすることを誓います。この旅はたくさんのモラルを体験する機会をもらいました。私達の成功をいつも願ってるトマトママとゆき先生とスダマ先生と皆サポーターたちに心から感謝したいです。主エル・カンターレをすべての人々の期待に答えられるようにパワーとenergyをください。ありがとうございます。

Report of a trip to Japan

27/03/2017 proved to be very lucky day in my life because on that very special day  I departed from New Delhi to Kansai Osaka Japan. On that day my heart was beating fast and my face was glowing with charm, and I was excited with so many joys, and was feeling that “one of my dream is going to accomplish today”. I and Niraj got this golden opportunity because we qualified Jlpt N3. This was my second trip to Japan but first of Niraj.  We stayed there for approx. three months but still It was unbelievable because it was not a common thing to visit Japan and to live livelihood for three months in japan. It was such a wonderfull experience that I have never expected before.

                                 We did homestay at Miyoko Mama’s house situated in Kyotanabe Kyoto. If I will start telling about Tomota family then it  will take so many pages, in one sentence I want to tell “we fell in love with Tomota family”. We got such a love that we never felt that we are apart from our family, never felt the lack of mother because Mama treated and cared in well manared like her own son. For instance, in first week we became ill with a crucial desease and that was Mama who cared for us by her AAA’s important work, even Mama awoke whole night when Niraj was suffering from high fever( 39 deegree Celsius) . Every family family member has pure heart with so many affection towards us. Nono san also sacrificed her happiness to fulfill that project( living in Japan). Sometimes she had to take leave from office to take care of Baba chan when Mama was out of town with us. Every body was interesting person, Nao san, Gengo san and specially Tomoto papa, he even acted and sang Indian song for our happiness,he is very cool and handsome guy, we love him so much, Infact we love all Tomota family. We were densely affected with tomota house, we enjoyed a lot there by eating variety of foods of our own choices. After returning india we missed a lot to tomota family.

                                Perpose-wise we went there to learn Japanese cultures and to study Jlpt N2. We were commuting to YMCA Kyoto for private lesson for Jlpt N2 two days a week. Teachers were very humble and expert at teaching japanese, we learnt so many things there and also got chance to communicate with other country’s students. They taught us in a different manner that I have ever experienced. Bsides that we studied at home with Miyoko sensei and sometime we had skype with Yuki sensei to study grammar.  In the way of YMCA we had great time watching so many foreigners, and there was a place beside river that was very interesting place that we loved most. Sometimes we also commuted to Happy Full( students group) to learn and to discuss about how to spread teaching of Master via missionary work. All students were having very deep knowledge about Master’s teaching and we also observed so many things from them. It was a good experience to travel from Kyoto to Sanjo station( YMCA). One day we missed our train and arrived at wrong place but with the help our Japanese skill finally we arrived our destination. Thanks to Japanese language, I like to study Japanese and love it most.

This trip became something special for me because I could see Master and hear his lecture. I could’t understand all due to tough words used by Master but the little teaching that I could get became usefull for me till now. I have been getting his teaching for long long time, I also used to read so many books of his, the book which impressed me most is “Introduction to Top Executive Management” because I want to become a renowned businessman, I love him so much, not only I each and every person who believe him love Master heartly. We visited so many places, shibu and shoja. We also visited Master’s hometown. Each and every shojas were well built with beauty and having good concepts of environment and cleanliness. Each place for shojas are chosen by Master is calm, peace and having land of direct connection to heaven. We visited various shojas for prayer and felt very different feeling as pure particles directly coming from heaven touch our soul and trying to say that be the wheel of your own success. Staffs and members of Happy Science were very polite to us having smily face and pure heart. I love Biwako shoshinkan because I visited there more than three times.

                                        I experienced a lot of thing as we got chance to attend classes in Kansai school in Shiga ken. They asked so many questions about india and about our society and we also exposed our feeling to them. We also had a enjoyable time there, like we danced, sang and played game with them and also displayed how to wear saree. They all were very talented and well disciplined and had a great respect towards the Master’s teaching. We also got chance to visit HSU Chiba, it was very wonderfull and it can attract so many people with it’s beauty having piramideal structure and good scenery. We also visited Tokyo the capital city of Japan, there we saw Tokyo tower, Rainbow bridge, Sky tree and Tokyo shoshinkan. Tokyo Shoshinkan is one of the biggest shoshinshan that I ever seen, it’s very beautyfull having a peace location. After arriving HSU Tokyo we met so many friends there. One of my favourite place is Yokohama because I could watch highest building and cosmos world. I also rode roller coaster there, that was awesome, I liked it, I could see sea by sea bass.

                                            One day we got chance to be on radio. That was very good experience to be on radio in Japan. It’s not common thing for a village boy. I was very excited that day but little bit nervous. We also visited Gifu prefecture and Nagoya Shoshinkan. Nagoya shoshinkan was well built and it was very beautyfull with good location. When we arrived Gifu shibu then we were warmly welcomed there, shibucho san served curry that was delicious and we got chance to speak about our school and our society of our village there. That was unforgettable memory. I want to thanks them.  And then we also participated in awa odori dance that was very interesting, I love awa odori. I love to see Japan’s mountain, road and houses. Those makes feel me calm. Whenever we met some new people then we got new ideas and learnt new culture. Japanese people are very different from any other’s foriener. It was very interesting to communicate with them. Because of their responsive manner and smiley face. They are very helpful and kind.

Happy science members are specially very kind hearted and helpful. Because I think they are knowing very well the meaning of getting birth on this beautyfull earth. After watching their devotion towards Lord El Cantare I also came to know that “have faith in God and in yourself; that will cure all. Hope for the best, expect the best, toil the best and everything will come right for you in the end. They always treated us in Japan very lovingly and always provided us so many knowledge. I am very impressed because they think about our success and they have always trust that we will succeed some day. We met so many supporters there and came to know their feeling, what they expect from us, literally they have no any special expectation from us, they only wish our success and of ours family ;and whole world.

                                              After visiting Japan my mind expanded a lot, I started to thin so many things that I have never thought before. After comparing the condition of India and Japan sometimes tears came out from my eye. Our country literally need support that Happy science is doing by educating poor students in Bihar. I think it’s a good resource to develop a country. In my future I m also planning to establish such system by which not only Indian students instead whole world  can get acknowledgement. And I wish to make world having peoples with pure hearts and sympathy towards others. I want to create support chain. And after this trip I hope that I will have a proper idea in my future to regenerate the people’s dirty mind. And someday I will be able to create Utopia in the whole world as Master have been thinking for a long long time. This trip became a successful trip for me because it provided me such a thing by which I can think big and can impure my mind and will definitely solve the the problem of the world.

                             I want to give my regards to Yuki sensei and Sudama sensei because without them we couldn’t be able to be like this that we are now. They were helping us for long long time. Yuki sensei and Sudama sensei started to develop Bihar and almostly did with the help of Surya Bharti School. They always treated us as their own child and gave so many loves. They played a vital role in this trip. Not only I but most of the people of Bihar love yuki sensei so much because she created the basement for the development of Bihar. I have a dream to became a renowned businessman in the world and to help the needy people. Sudama sensei is my ideal, I love him so much. And I pray to Lord El cantare daily to provide me such a opportunity to be helpful for needy people. I swear this trip to Japan proved to be a turning point in my life, it gave me so many experience with plenty of morals. At last I want to thanks MIyoko mama, yuki sensei, Sudama sensei and all supporters who is having hope on our success. And please El cantare, give me power and energy to fulfill all their expectations. Thank you. Love you all.

Dear Mr. Wada, 

I am Chanesh kumar from Bodhgaya, Gaya, Bihar (India). My father is a farmer. I am 19 years old. I passed my matriculation from Surya Bharti School, and completed my intermediate from Gaya College, Gaya. Now I am in BSc.1 in Gaya College Gaya and Physics as a main subject. I am learning Japanese because I want to be a Japanese interpreter. I have qualified JLPT N5 & N4 with good marks and now I am trying to take N3, for this I will in JLPT N3 in coming this December. My family is not affordable for my further study. Hence I am getting scholarship from Angel Aid Association. I am learning Japanese from Ms. Yuki Inoue in Bodhaya. I am also getting a lot of support from Ms. Myoko Tomota in learning Japanese on skype. I am also learning English and getting sufficient knowledge of computer only with the help of AAA. I have so many dreams to fulfill these all. As I want build a renowned hospital in India, a dairy farm factory, Apartments, airlines. And after earning a lot of money I want to build a free of cost school for the poor children in my locality. And lastly I want to build a meditation center particularly for those people who are getting suppressed with their oppressed, cursed life. Because nowadays about 11.4% per 100000 people in India are committing suicide because of their annoying life, they are losing hope from their life, so doing meditation they can calm down their hearts and minds and live a happy life with their family. 

` I have a sweet dream since my childhood to present a big and precious gift to my mother. So I want to construct a big unique house for my family and especially for my mother. Cause my house is not so big to be adjustable for my family. One of the most impressive book that I ever read of Master Ryuho Okawa which impressed me most is, PROSPERITY THINKING. Master defined the success in this book. He said that if we narrow our definition of success as `` getting rich``, then the most important mindset is, ``don`t reject wealth`` If you respect the wealth then wealth will be with you and if you ignore it then it will be more away from you. And I think that if someone is prosperous then he can make another prosperous. We should not think that making 

money is the equivalent of doing something bad. Because money for making people happy is good. 

Hence I decided to become an interpreter and earn a lot of money. For this I want to go to Japan and work Japanese company like Toyota, Panasonic, Honda, Mitsubishi and Sony. I want to fulfill all the expectations from my family, friends and my teachers. I will be trying till my death until I fulfill all expectations. So I am laboring hard: 

I will never forget your precious supports and will be ever grateful to you, Ms. Yuki Inoue and our highly regarded Ms. Miyoko Tomota (founder of AAA). 

And I hope I will be a successful man one day, because it’s my calling from god to serve the needy people. 



Letter to Mr. Wada (supporter)
chunnu re-written letter.pdf
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The Mitsubishi Group

Mitsubishi is a private conglomerate Industry established in 1870, 149 years ago. It was founded by Iwasaki Yataro. It’s headquarter is in Tokyo, Japan. It provides products as mining, shipbuilding, telecom, financial services, insurance, electronics, automotive, contruction, heavy industries, oil and gas, real estate, foods and beverages, chemicals, steel, aviation and others. It’s revenue is US$ 542 billion and profit upto US$ 7.2 billion. It consists of 350,000 number of employees.



It is an integrated company that develops and operates businesses across industry including industrial finance, energy, metals, machinery, chemicals, living essentials, and environmental business. The company manufactures and markets a wide range of products, including energy, metals, machinery, chemicals and living essentials through its domestic and overseas network. It is also involved in diverse businesses by investing in areas such as natural resources development and infrastructure, and engaged in finance businesses. Mitsubishi also creates new business models in the fields of new energy and the environment, and new technology-related businesses. It has operations in regions across Japan, North America, Latin America, Europe, Africa, Middle East, Asia and Oceania. Mitsubishi is headquartered in Tokyo, Japan.


SWOT analysis of Mitsubishi corporation

“Swot is an acronym for the internal strengths and weaknesses of a firm and the environmental opportunities and threats facing that firm. Swot analysis is a widely used technique through which managers create a quick overview of a company’s strategic situation. The technique is based on the assumption that an effective strategy derives from a sound “fit” between a firm’s internal resourses (strengths and weaknesses) and its external situation (opportunities and threates). A good fit maximizes a firm’s strengths and opportunities and minimizes its weaknesses and threates. Accurately applied, this simple assumption has powerful implications for the design of a successful strategy.”

Strengths;                                                                                                                                   *Diversified product portfolio and well balanced revenue streams.

                       * Strong global presence and strong focus on research and development


                        *Fluctuating margins and cash flows.

                        *Overdependence on the Japanese market.


                        *Positive outlook for the global oil and gas sector.

                        *Growing Asia-Pacific speciality chemicals market.

                        *Strong growth in global electricity market.

                        *Accelerating global textile market.



                     *Slowdown of the global economy.       

                     *Environmental regulations.

                     *Price volatility in petroleum markets.


The internal factors may be viewed as strengths or weaknesses depending upon their impact on the organization's objectives. What may represent strengths with respect to one objective may be weaknesses for another objective. The factors may include all of the 4P's; as well as personnel, finance, manufacturing capabilities, and so on. The external factors may include macroeconomic matters, technological change, legislation, and socio-cultural changes, as well as changes in the marketplace or competitive position. The results are often presented in the form of a matrix.

Organisational structure( derived from


Recently Mitsubishi group is working on these projects as Tokyo Electric Power Company, Incorporated , Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd., Mitsubishi Corporation, Mitsubishi Electric Corporation, Joban Joint Power Co., Ltd., today concluded a letter of intent to promote the development of the world’s most advanced coal-fired thermal power plants in Fukushima. The project is currently being undertaken by TEPCO as part of its contribution to revitalization in the prefecture.


The project was launched with the aim of creating an industrial base and opening up job opportunities in Fukushima as part of moves to support local economic recovery. The project will, at the same time, be a global leader in next-generation clean coal technology through the introduction of the integrated coal gasification combined-cycle in plant operations.


The project aims to construct and operate two 540 MW class IGCC facilities in Fukushima: one at TEPCO’s Hirono Thermal Power Station. It has been working in the mechanical engineering field for last many decades. It is the big industry, which is working in Japan and it has complete automobile segment, which is included with sedans, hatchbacks and SUVs. It cares for their clients and prepares such car, which can give a thrill and comfort to the clients


Summary of the year ended march 2016


Revenue decreased 743.9 billion yen mainly due to the decline in oil prices.


Gross profit decreased 111.0 billion yen mainly due to lower earnings on transaction stemming from a downturn in resource-related market prices.


Selling general and administrative expenses remained nearly flat, to 1,016.0 billion yen.


 Finance income decreased 81.8 billion yen due to lower dividend income from resource-related business investees.


Share of profit of investments accounted for using the equity method decreasd 389.2 billion yen to a loss of 175.4 billion yen. Factors behind this decline included lower equity method earnings due to a downturn in resource-related market prices and impairment losses on resource-related assets.


As a result, profit for the year declined 550.0 billion yen, to a loss of 149.4 billion yen.

Isuzu and Mitsubishi Corporation Form a Marketing Joint Venture in Europe

 Isuzu Motors Limited  and Mitsubishi Corporation  established Isuzu Automotive Europe  to create a system that can further expand sales in Europe. The two companies plan to integrate the current marketing and sales-management functions into IAE to increase operational efficiency and strengthen the sales framework. IAE’s initial capitalization is 2.4 million euro  with Isuzu contributing 50% and Mitsubishi, 50%. Isuzu and Mitsubishi have jointly deployed distributors in Benelux, Spain, and Germany to set up sales channels. However, marketing and sales-management activities for these markets have been carried out independently by two different companies: Isuzu supplies light-duty trucks, and Isuzu Operations Thailand  offers pickup trucks. With the integration of the sales channels for light-duty trucks and pickup trucks, the two companies will begin to outsource to IAE distributors management, market information collection, and new markets development. This integration will serve to enhance the sales structure and efficiency. Through this consolidation, Isuzu and Mitsubishi aim to double the sales of light-duty trucks and pickup trucks in the European market from the current level of 16,000 units to 32,000 units in three years.  Company Name Isuzu Automotive Europe Representative Directors Naomichi Koyanagi , Iichi Mishima  Established December 22, 2006 Location Frankfurt, Germany Capital 2.4 million euro  Shareholders Isuzu: 50%, Mitsubishi: 50% Main Business Marketing of light-duty trucks and pickup trucks in Europe



Mitsubishi is a leading and popular car manufacturing company, which has great potential future, which is conditioned with their use of latest technology. People look for new and furnished models of the transport and they need to buy to meet their demand and also show the class of their companies and offices, in which they do job. The business people like to change their cars with the latest models and the companies has vast scope to introduce their newly manufactured cars in the market. The excellent advertising campaign can help to exhibit their vehicles and let them introduced with their potential clients. The company gives attentions over its core issues and maintains its quality works with the help of their professional staff and they can compete with their competitors, who are also working in the same market under the same working conditions.


The Mitsubishi Group
The Mitsubishi Group, Chanesh ammended (
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In the early 1970s, a young Habil Khorakiwala had to persuade not just his father but also the extended family and even family friends to get a go-ahead to set up a factory outside Mumbai. His father Fakhruddin Khorakiwala, who led the retail chain Akbarally's at the time and later served as the sheriff of Mumbai, was a firm believer in conducting his businesses within the city limits. He enlisted his friends to dissuade Habil. 

"I would like to die once in my life, and not every day with fear," Habil , who was

about 30 then, eventually told his father, winning the argument and getting the nod to move out of the city and start Wockhardt's factory, 335 kilometres away, in Aurangabad. Wockhardt — a name derived from the family firm Worli

Chemicals and given a German tweak for effect— became a pharmaceuticals and healthcare success story over the next four decades. 


Today, 45 years after he made that profound statement about dying only once, Habil Khorakiwala, chairman of Wockhardt Ltd, would like to repeat it to investors, regulators and naysayers. 

In 2012, Wockhardt emerged out of a bruising debt-restructuring exercise, having sold its promising nutrition business to French FMCG major Danone for $356 million. Also, group company Wockhardt Hospitals sold part of its hospital chain to Fortis for Rs 909 crore to repay loans. Relief was short -lived, though. From 2013, regulatory action by the American Food and Drug Administration (FDA) rocked the Indian pharmaceutical industry that was selling generic drugs in the US and Europe — and it hit Wockhardt too

(fig. taken from Economics Times)

The company is at curious juncture now as it figures out a way out of the prolonged mess. Four of its factories are still under FDA scanner. On a consolidated basis, there is a huge deficit in the profit and loss account. In 2016-17, Wockhardt recorded loss about Rs 226 crore on revenues of Rs 4,128 crore. And in the half year ended on September 30, 2017, it recorded a loss of Rs 470 crore on revenues of Rs 2,004 crore. The Indian business returned to profit in July-September after three quarters of loss, but still has a huge deficit to fill for 2017-18 to be a profitable year. 
Over the last three months, the company's share price has staged a smart recovery . While its ranking among Indian pharma majors in terms of market capitalisation has fallen from No. 6 in 2013 to No. 22 in 2018, it seems the markets are ready to bet on the stock and Khorakiwala once more. The scrip, having touched a 52-week low on August 22, 2017 at Rs 531.50, moved up more than 90% to a 52-week high of Rs 1,012 on January 8, 2018
. ( Information derived from Economisc Times)

In an interview with ET Magazine, Khorakiwala, who has just released his autobiography Odyssey of Courage, lays out what seems like a pathway to recovery for the company. First, he expects all his factories to be cleared by the US FDA in the next 18 months. Second, he expects the anti-infective drug (medicines that act against infections) discovery programme that the company has been investing in as a contrarian bet over the last two decades to bear fruit in the next two years. At 75, Khorakiwala is again ready to live by what he once told his father. 

          I am also agree with his statements because as US FDA is again and again  strongly recommending that Wockhardt's executive management immediately undertake a comprehensive and global assessment of it’s manufacturing operations to ensure that it’s systems and processes, and ultimately, the drug products it manufacture, conform to FDA requirements for safety, efficacy, and quality. If wokhardt has to run their business then it has to implement global and sustainable action because FDA has targeted the largest Indian drug manufacturing producers including Ranbaxy. I have also one more idea for Wokhardt to recruit the employees on the basis of not only their experiences but it also has to give chance to learning students of B-Pharma, cause it will also be helpful for the students and will be also the great advertisement nationwide for Wokhardt

 Satish Khanna, a pharma industry veteran turned entrepreneur, agrees with Khorakiwala and says that the US standards went through two major upgrades, once in 2005 and then around 2010-11, and it has presented Indian manufacturers with the choice of either investing heavily and playing with the big boys or remaining small and being out of the game. "Cost of failure is high and owners lose more wealth as market cap dips and investing to upgrade starts to make sense," says Khanna, a former executive president of Lupin who is now heading Fullife Healthcare, a company focused on healthcare products. ( derived from Economic times)

            (Fig. taken from Economic Times)

If we will have a look on current situation of Wokhardt then it’s not a good sign for it. So it has to do a firm decision or either it should launch it’s discovered drugs namely wck4282 and wck5222 very soon to be continue in the market.  I hope Wokhardt will regain it’s reputation after being the blockbusters of it’s drugs in US or worldwide.

wokhardt chanesh (1).pdf
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     僕は、人生で一度死んでみたい、毎日を恐怖で過ごしたくないとハビルが強く語りました。三歳のハビルは、父親にそう話し、ついに議論に勝って、市内を出て、335キロ離れたオーランガバードにワクカット工場をスタートさせる許可を得た。WOKHARDT- 「家族の会社WORLI CHEMICALSから由来した名前」は次の40年にわたり、医薬品とヘルスケアの成功事例になった。



二千十二年にWOKHARDT ,は有望な栄養事業をフランスのFMCG大手ダノンに3億5,600万ドルで売却して激しい借金再建訓練から乗り越えること出来ました。また、グループ会社Wockhardt Hospitalsは、ローンを返済するために病院チェーンの一部をFortisに909百万ルピーで売却しました。. 救済は短命でしたが。二千十三年からFDAの規制措置は米国および欧州でジェネリック医薬品を販売していたインドの製薬業界を揺らせてしまいました、そしてWOKHARDTにも影響与えました。


(fig. taken from Economics Times)




The company is at curious juncture now as it figures out a way out of the prolonged mess. Four of its factories are still under FDA scanner. On a consolidated basis, there is a huge deficit in the profit and loss account. In 2016-17, Wockhardt recorded loss about Rs 226 crore on revenues of Rs 4,128 crore. And in the half year ended on September 30, 2017, it recorded a loss of Rs 470 crore on revenues of Rs 2,004 crore. The Indian business returned to profit in July-September after three quarters of loss, but still has a huge deficit to fill for 2017-18 to be a profitable year. 

Over the last three months, the company's share price has staged a smart recovery . While its ranking among Indian pharma majors in terms of market capitalisation has fallen from No. 6 in 2013 to No. 22 in 2018, it seems the markets are ready to bet on the stock and Khorakiwala once more. The scrip, having touched a 52-week low on August 22, 2017 at Rs 531.50, moved up more than 90% to a 52-week high of Rs 1,012 on January 8, 2018. ( Information derived from Economisc Times)


In an interview with ET Magazine, Khorakiwala, who has just released his autobiography Odyssey of Courage, lays out what seems like a pathway to recovery for the company. First, he expects all his factories to be cleared by the US FDA in the next 18 months. Second, he expects the anti-infective drug (medicines that act against infections) discovery programme that the company has been investing in as a contrarian bet over the last two decades to bear fruit in the next two years. At 75, Khorakiwala is again ready to live by what he once told his father. 

私は彼の声明にも同意している。なぜなら、米国食品医薬品局(FDA)は、Wockhardtの経営幹部は、すぐに総合的かつグローバルな評価を行う必要があると強く助言しております。そしてウォックハートは、そのシステムとプロセスを保証しなければならず、最終的に製造する医薬品は安全性、有効性、品質に関するFDAの要件に準拠しなければなりません。. wokhardtが事業を運営しなければならない場合、グローバルかつ持続可能な行動を実施しなければならないなぜならFDAはRanbaxyを含む最大のインド製薬製造業者をターゲットにしているから。それから僕もう一つ案を考えてます、Wockhardt は募集する時経験を基にしてだけじゃあなくて、研究している学生達にも機会を与えたほうが良いとおもいます。Wockhardt はインドで一番はやってる病気のために薬を研究したほうがもうけになります。アメリカやユーロッパの方だけじゃあなくアジアの発展中の国々に医薬品を販売したほうが良いなぜならインドや発展中の国々の中でそんなに共起がないです、新しい物は急に大ヒットになると思います。 

Satish Khanna, a pharma industry veteran turned entrepreneur, agrees with Khorakiwala and says that the US standards went through two major upgrades, once in 2005 and then around 2010-11, and it has presented Indian manufacturers with the choice of either investing heavily and playing with the big boys or remaining small and being out of the game. "Cost of failure is high and owners lose more wealth as market cap dips and investing to upgrade starts to make sense," says Khanna, a former executive president of Lupin who is now heading Fullife Healthcare, a company focused on healthcare products. ( From ET)



            (Fig. taken from Economic Times)

 Wokhardtの現在の状況を見てみると、それは良い兆候ではありません. だから、決断を下す必要がある、それとも市場に出し続けるために歯、発見されたWCK4282とWCK5222と言う薬をすぐにでも発売すべきだと思う。私はWockhardt がUSや世界中でその薬を大ヒットさせた後、評価を必ず取り戻すと言うことを願っています。

Wokhardt in Japanese
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Biocon Limited

Biocon Limited  is an Indian biopharmaceutical company based in Bangalore, India. The Company manufactures generic active pharmaceutical ingredients  that are sold in over 120 countries across the globe, including the developed markets of the United States and Europe. It also manufactures novel biologics, as well as, biosimilar insulins and antibodies, which are sold in India as branded formulations. Biocon's biosimilar products are also sold in both bulk and formulation forms in several emerging markets

Biocon Limited was set up in the year 1978 as a joint venture between Biocon Biochemicals Limited of Ireland and an Indian entrepreneur, Kiran Mazumdar-Shaw. Biocon is a fully integrated biopharmaceutical company focused on biopharmaceuticals, customized research and clinical research. The Company has developed a robust drug pipeline and offers active pharmaceutical ingredients, including cardiovascular agents, anti-obesity agents, oral anti-diabetic agents, anti-inflammatory agents and digestive-aid enzymes.

Biocon’s presence in the chronic disease segment in India is represented by over 80 brands spread across seven therapeutic segments: Diabetology, Oncotherapeutic, Nephrology, Cardiology, Immunotherapy, Comprehensive Care and Bioproducts.


The Company has strategic alliances with well known pharmaceutical companies including Mylan Inc, Amylin Pharmaceuticals, Inc, DuPont, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Endo Pharmaceuticals, IATRICa Inc, Neopharma, and Vaccinex, Inc. The Company also has commercial and marketing agreements with Pfizer and Ferozsons Laboratories Limited, and licensing agreement with Abraxis BioScience, Inc, as well as strategic collaboration for insulin products with Mylan, Inc.

The Company’s brands include Herceptin, Enbrel, MabThera, Remicade, Lantus, Humalog and NovoLog.


SWOT analysis of Biocon Limited


SWOT - Strengths

-skilled workforce

-barriers of market entry

-existing distribution and sales networks

-high profitability and revenue

-monetary assistance provided


SWOT - Weaknesses

-high investments in research and development

-high loan rates are possible


SWOT - Opportunities

-growth rates and profitability

-global markets

-income level is at a constant increase

-growing demand

-growing economy

-new acquisitions

-new markets


SWOT - Threats

-increasing costs

-government regulations


Biocon’s average interest coverage ratio over the last 5 financial years has been 122.48 times which indicates that the Company has been generating enough for the shareholders after servicing its debt obligations.




          Current situation of Biocon.

NEW DELHI: Biotechnology major Biocon, today said it has launched its cancer biosimilar drug KRABEVA in India. 


The biosimilar product will be used for the treatment of patients with metastatic colorectal cancer and other types of lung, kidney, cervical, ovarian and brain cancers in India, Biocon said in a filing to the BSE. 


Biocon CEO and Joint MD Arun Chandavarkar said: "With KRABEVA, we intend to provide a high quality, world-class biosimilar Bevacizumab as an affordable therapy option for patients of various types of cancer." 


The company believes that the product will be an important addition to its oncology portfolio of novel biologics as well as biosimilars, which are making a significant impact in the realm of cancer care in India, he added. 


KRABEVA is the second key oncologic biosimilar product from Biocon's global biosimilar portfolio to be launched in India to address the unmet patient need for affordable, biological therapies, the company said. 


"It is being offered to patients at an MRP of Rs 24,000 for 100 mg/4 ml vials and Rs 39,990 for 400 mg/16 ml vials...," it added. 

(information from ECONOMIC TIMES)

The Delhi High Court has allowed pharmaceutical firms Biocon Ltd and Mylan Pharmaceuticals Pvt Ltd to continue manufacturing and marketing their breast cancer drug under brand names CANMAb and HERTRAZ.


Justice Manmohan Singh made it clear that these companies would not call their product "bio similar" to 'Herceptin, Herclon, Biceltis', the brand names of products by firm Roche Products (India) Pvt Ltd.


Biocon said its product portfolio will not be affected by the court order preventing the drug maker from calling its breast cancer medicine Trastuzumab a bio-similar of Roche's Herceptin.


"The High Court judgement does not restrict the sale and manufacture of Biocon's Trastuzumab, which is in the interest of patients...the current judgement will not affect our product portfolio," a Biocon spokesperson said in an emailed statement.


The Biocon spokesperson said: "We understand it has some observations with respect to packaging and labeling, which we will address appropriately. Our Trastuzumab, CANMAb has undergone all applicable comparability studies."


When contacted, a Roche spokesperson said the "ruling sends a strong, positive signal that the development, manufacture and approval of biosimilars in India must be subject to rigorous clinical and regulatory standards as per the applicable law".


"The court has made clear that the approvals granted to these companies are not in accordance with the existing protocol for biosimilars and, therefore, their drugs cannot be considered biosimilars," the spokesperson added.


The court, while passing the order on a petition filed by Swiss pharmaceutical firm Roche against Biocon and Mylan, said that a bio similar, a medical product almost identical to an original product manufactured by a different firm, would need to follow stringent guidelines framed in 2012 for getting regulatory approvals.


The court allowed the sale and manufacture of affordable cancer drugs by Biocon and Mylan with certain restrictions on packaging and labelling and regulatory process.


(Information gathered form TIMES OF INDIA)

I think if Biocon will continue it’s continued momentum then no any other company will defeat it because The Company has maintained an average dividend yield of 0.82 % over the last 5 financial years.

Biocon Limited
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Ashok Leyland

Ashok Leyland is an Indian automobile manufacturing company headquartered in Chennai, India. It is owned by the Hinduja Group. 

Founded in 1948, it is the 2nd largest commercial vehicle manufacturer in India, 4th largest manufacturer of buses in the world and 12th largest manufacturer of trucks globally. Operating nine plants, Ashok Leyland also makes spare parts and engines for industrial and marine applications. It sold around 1,40,000 vehicles in 2016. It is the second largest commercial vehicle company in India in the medium and heavy commercial vehicle segment, with a market share of 32.1% . With passenger transportation options ranging from 10 seaters to 74 seaters , Ashok Leyland is a market leader in the bus segment. The company claims to carry more than 70 million passengers a day, more people than the entire Indian rail network. In the trucks segment Ashok Leyland primarily concentrates on the 16 to 25-ton range. However, Ashok Leyland has a presence in the entire truck range, from 7.5 to 49 tons.



In 2007, the Hinduja Group also bought out IVECO's indirect stake in Ashok Leyland. The promoter shareholding now stands at 51%. Today the company is the flagship of the Hinduja Group, a British-based and Indian originated trans-national conglomerate after Hindujas bought Iveco's remaining ownership stakes.

Ashok Leyland Defence Systems  is a newly floated company by the Hinduja Group. Ashok Leyland, the flagship company of Hinduja group, holds 26 percent in the newly formed Ashok Leyland Defence Systems . The company has a mandate to design and develop defence logistics and tactical vehicles, defence communication and other systems. Ashok Leyland is the largest supplier of logistics vehicles to the Indian Army. It has supplied over 60,000 of its Stallion vehicles which form the Army's logistics backbone.

SWOT analysis of Ashok Leyland


The leader in domestic market: Ashok Leyland had a strong market share  in the medium and heavy commercial vehicle segment in 2015. It is the 2nd largest manufacturer of commercial vehicles in India, also it is the 4th largest manufacturer of buses in the world. Thus, the strong market position in different domains gives the company a better brand image and wider customer base.


Heavily dependent on the domestic market: In 2015, Ashok Leyland generated 87.3% of its revenues from the domestic market. This makes it vulnerable to any economic and political changes in the country. This gives an advantage to its prime competitor Tata Motors which operates through a wider revenue base geographically.


 Growing global automotive industry: The Global automotive industry has shown constant growth in the recent years and thus creates an opportunities for Ashok Leyland to grab upon. The company should focus on tapping the opportunities created in the global market, especially in the emerging countries to take advantage of the growth in the industry and with it expand its footprint over the globe.


 Intense competition: Ashok Leyland faces competition from companies like Tata Motors, Mahindra  & Mahindra, Eicher Motors, Marcopolo, etc. The government has allowed 100% foreign equity ownership in manufacturing vehicles industry which also leads intensifying competition.


New Delhi:  A city bus that Ashok Leyland  has just unveiled could help attract the focus again to battery swapping, a cheaper method to operate electric vehicles provided there is infrastructure to replace their power cells frequently. The 'Circuit S', which Ashok Leyland is showcasing at the ongoing Auto Expo 2018, is cheaper to buy as well as operate, compared with other electric buses, the Hinduja Group company claimed. Its vehilce has just one lithium ion battery, compared with a pack of cells in other buses of city buses.


A problem with the single battery is that it needs to be recharged at short intervals, but in city buses, that can be addressed by changing the battery at the layover time. Since the battery pack accounts for 50-60% of the cost of electric vehicles, swapping helps reduce the bus price, said the company. 


The idea of running large vehicles using battery swapping was initially proposed by Ashok Jhunjhunwala, a professor at IIT-Chennai and adviser to the union government on electric mobility. But many had scoffed at the idea due to unavailability of associated infrastructure. 


Ashok Leyland, India's largest bus maker, took up the challenge to prove the critics wrong by making a commercially viable bus based on battery swapping. It developed the Circuit S in partnership with Sun Mobility, a company cofounded by Chetan Maini — the man behind India's first electric car, Reva. 


The bus is targeted at operators plying on city routes. City buses have fixed route kilometres, so the battery can be changed between trips. 


According to Ashok Leyland, as much as 85% of the city routes in India are shorter than 35 kms. In 60% of cases, it is less 20 km. The city bus requirement in India is est imated at 7,500-10,000 a year. The company estimates that buses based on battery swapping have the potential to corner 6,000-8,000 of that market. (Economoic Times)



A 500-kg battery in the Circuit S bus can be replaced in 2.5 minutes, Ashok Leyland managing director Vinod Dasari said. He said the company will not limit its focus to city buses alone. As volume picks up, there is a sizeable opportunity to scale up battery swapping to school buses, shift buses and even long-distance buses, he said.     (ET Magazines)


Under the current plan, Ashok Leyland will provide the bus while Sun Mobility will arrange support infrastructure and services such as charging stations and reinstalling of the battery. Ashok Leyland will pay Sun Mobility on the basis of the electricity consumed to recharge the batteries. 


Conclusion:   I think The move makes excellent sense. A dependable battery swap scheme can purposefully fastforward usage of EVs nationally. The way forward is to install solarpowered chargers, especially in dense urban centres to begin with. It would be path-breaking. Solar-powered chargers for EVs would proactively bring down the carbon footprint in transportation. Note that Delhi Metro plans to draw power from the 750-MW Rewa ultra mega solar project in MP. 

Ashok Leyland
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Reliance Communications Ltd.

Reliance Communications Ltd. (stylised as RCom) is a telecommunications company headquartered in New Mumbai, India. It is a subsidiary of Reliance Anil Dhirubhai Ambani Group. The services it provides include GSM (Voice; 2G, 3G, 4G), fixed line broadband and voice, and Direct-To-Home , depending upon its areas of operation in India. The company plans to shut down its 2G and 3G services including all voice services and only offer 4G data services from December 29, 2017 as a result of debt and a failed merger with Aircel. 


Reliance Group, an offshoot of the Group founded by Shri Dhirubhai H Ambani , ranks among India's top private sector business houses in terms of net worth. The group has business interests that range from telecommunications to financial service and the generation and distribution of power .

Reliance Group's flagship company, Reliance Communications is India's foremost and truly integrated telecommunications service provider. The Company has a customer base of above 118 million including over 2.6 million individual overseas retail customers. 

Reliance Communications corporate clientele includes over 39,000 Indian and multinational corporations including small and medium enterprises and over 290 global, regional and domestic carriers. 


Reliance Communications has established a pan-India, next generation, integrated , convergent (voice, data and video) digital network that is capable of supporting best-of-class services spanning the entire communications value chain, covering over 21,000 cities and towns and over 400,000 villages. Reliance Communications owns and operates the world's largest next generation IP enabled connectivity infrastructure, comprising over 280,000 kilometers of fibre optic cable systems in India, USA, Europe, Middle East and the Asia Pacific region.


SWOT analysis of Rcom.



1.Flexible plans offer by Reliance Communications to attract customers

2.Good advertising  and brand visibility

3. Strong backing of Reliance ADAG group gives financial stability to Reliance Communications

4.Celebrity brand ambassadors used for marketing to attract customers 

5.Website provides access to services like bill payments, recharge etc


1.Price competition from other strong players means limited market share for Reliance Communications 

2.Declining brand has lead to customers moving to competitors using MNP


1.Fast expanding cellular market can be tapped by Reliance Communications

2.Using latest and low cost technologies can benefit the company 

3.Partnership or tie-ups with bigger telecom brands can reboost its business


1.New entrant's low price offering affects pricing and profits of Reliance Communications

2. Strict TRAI guidelines can disrupt operations 

3.Mobile Number Portability of customers to competitor network can reduce business




Recent situation of Rcom

NEW DELHI: A day after Reliance Communications (RCom) announced it was selling its wireless assets to Reliance Jio, State Bank of India Chairman Rajnish Kumar on Friday termed it a good development and would hopefully set an example for other promoters.

"It is a very good and welcome development. The banks have been fully protected and no loss is expected. Despite the fact that there is a stress in the telecom sector, I am hoping that this will set a very good example for the other promoters also of the companies which are under stress," Kumar told BTVi in an interview.(ET magazines)

Reliance Jio Infocomm , a subsidiary of Reliance Industries Limited, on Thursday announced signing of a "definitive agreement" for the acquisition of specified assets of RCom and its affiliates.


Consequent to the agreement, Jio or its nominees will acquire assets under four categories -- towers, optic fibre cable network, spectrum and media convergence nodes -- from RCom and its affiliates, Jio said in a statement on Thursday.


RCOM's assets which were put up for monetisation include 122.4 MHz of 4G Spectrum in the 800/900/1800/2100 MHz bands, over 43,000 towers, around 1.78 lakh km of fibre with pan-India footprint and 248 media convergence nodes, covering five million sq ft used for hosting telecom infrastructure.

Reliance Group Chairman Anil Ambani had on Tuesday said the company has achieved full resolution of Reliance Communications' debt, reducing it by Rs 25,000 crore to Rs 6,000 crore by monetising assets.

(information derived from Economic time)





MUMBAI: Reliance Communications (Rcom) said it has not paid its third installment of Rs 375 crore of principal on non-convertible debentures (NCDs), which was due on February 7.


The Anil Ambani company in a regulatory filing Friday said that the company is in the midst of asset monetisation and is working "expeditiously to complete the process".


"The asset sale proceeds shall be used to repay the company's debt including the NCDs in such a manner as may be decided by the Joint lenders' forum (JLF)", said the telco. ( ET Magazines)


Last year, RCom decided to shut its 2G and 3G wireless business and later Mukesh Ambani-led Reliance Jio Infocomm agreed to buy most of Rcom's wireless assets including spectrum, tower, fibre and media convergence nodes for under Rs24,000 crore.


The sale of spectrum, tower, Fibre and media convergence node is expected to be completed by March in phases this year, subject to regulatory approvals, as company expressed in latest interview.


It had amassed debt of more than Rs 45,000 crore and the promoters just managed to avoid the possibility of ceding control to banks under a strategic debt restructuring programme late last month with the sale of assets to Jio. After the sale to Jio, RCom exited the debt recast process. In my consideration the company is going to rapid all other competitive companies cause of the recently big hit of the reliance Jio. It is becoming the public first choice due to it’s reliable service providing, as it is also helping our govt. to make India, Digital India. It revolts a huge revolution in India as it tried to connect each locality and even each mohallas to the exterior world. 


Reliance Communications Ltd.
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Viacom18 Media Pvt. Ltd.

Viacom18 Media Pvt. Ltd. is one of India's fastest growing entertainment networks and a house of iconic brands that offers multi-platform, multi-generational and multicultural brand experiences. A joint venture of TV18, which owns 51%, and Viacom Inc., with a 49% stake, Viacom18 defines entertainment in India by touching the lives of people through its properties on air, online, on ground, in shop and through cinema.

Viacom 18 Media Pvt. Limited founded in November 2007 is a 50/50 joint venture operation in India between Viacom and the Network 18 Group (owned by Reliance Industries) based in Mumbai. Viacom 18 owns and operates various channels of the Viacom group for the Indian viewers, as well as various consumer products in India. In July 2008, Colors was launched.


In January 2010, Viacom 18 went international with the launch of Colors in the US. The channel is called "Aapka Colors". In July 2010, it got into 50/50 distribution joint venture with Sun Network and Sun 18 was formed. Viacom 18 also launched the channel Nickelodeon Sonic in December 2011, targeting young adults. On 23 January 2012, Viacom 18 launched Comedy Central. On 3 September 2012, Viacom 18 launched Rishtey. On 31 July 2015, it launched Colors Infinity and its HD version. Viacom 18 launched Nick HD+ on December 2015, the first HD kids channel in the country. Viacom 18 also owns Viacom 18 Motion Pictures.


The company reports results via two major operating units: Media Networks and Filmed Entertainment. The former group comprised 73% of companywide revenues in 2014 , while the latter delivered the balance through theatrical, home theater, and television licensing business.

SWOT Analysis of Viacom18


Viacom boasts a wide array of network and film titles that cater to a variety of demographics. MTV and Comedy Central seem tailor-made for today’s social media-integrated digital media world, while Nickelodeon and BET are two longstanding brands with high loyalty amongst their target audiences. While it has struggled to market and capitalize its content amidst shifting consumer preferences, it has a leg up on upstarts trying to become the next mass media conglomerate. 


Like many of its industry counterparts, Viacom has been confronted with challenges in its cable programming segment. Viewers, especially in younger demographics, are migrating to cost-effective options like Netflix  and Hulu to get their programming fix, while new media platforms like YouTube, owned by Google , continue to pressure the old guard media companies to adjust their strategies. But Viacom, whose Media Networks business makes up for an outsized portion of companywide business, appears to be the hardest hit in recent months.  It announced a $785 million write-down associated with weak ratings for many of its syndicated programs, including “Entourage” and “CSI”, which led to unspecified employee layoffs


As the domestic pay-TV landscape continues to be upended by technology, major growth potential exists in international markets. Viacom management has reiterated its belief that an increased global presence will support top-line growth for years. While the burgeoning media markets of India and Africa have been identified as target long-term growth opportunities, the United Kingdom is the ostensible centerpiece of the company’s international expansion.




In 2015, companies on all sides of the pay-TV market have been forced to grapple with poor ratings. The beginning of the year saw many executives in the industry reiterating their belief that any widespread migration remained years away. But, following a series of disappointing earnings reports, most of those in the industry were compelled to reconsider this stance.

Current status of Viacom18

Entertainment network Viacom18 is set to enter the largest regional market - Tamil - with its regional entertainment channel Colors Tamil on February 19. 


It will be Viacom18's first foray into the Tamil market, which is dominated by Sun TV Network. Viacom18 already operates general entertainment channels in five regional languages - Kannada, Marathi, Gujarati, Bengali and Odia - apart from Hindi and English. 


Colors Tamil will be available on all leading cable networks, catering to an estimated 11 million homes in rest of Tamil Nadu through Tamil Nadu Arasu Corporation, and 3.5 million homes in Greater Chennai through SCV, TCCL among others. The channel will also be available on all DTH platforms - Sun Direct, Tata Sky, Airtel Digital TV, DishTv and Videocon D2h - reaching out to 5.5 million households. 

"After spreading our wings across 7 languages, Colors is entering the lucrative, fast growing and discerning Tamil entertainment market - in line with our stated strategy to drive regional growth aggressively," said Sudhanshu Vats, Group CEO at Viacom18.    (ET Magazines)






Tamil Nadu, the country's 6th most populous state is one of the largest TV content consuming markets, with a per capita daily viewership of  3 hours, which is more than that of the Hindi speaking markets . 


"With an estimated base of 1,150 advertisers, Tamil Nadu is one of the more lucrative broadcast entertainment markets in India. Our biggest drive is to deliver new and never before seen content to the Tamil audience. We have invested big in conceptualising programs that are inspiring, innovative, experimental and technically sound. With 22 hours of original content at launch, we are more than confident of Colors Tamil becoming a blockbuster hit here," said Ravish Kumar, Head - Regional Entertainment, Viacom18.  ( Economic Times Interview)



In all, the next few years will likely bring some change at Viacom. The long-term earnings picture will hinge on the company’s ability to adjust its operations to better fit into the digital media landscape. While it has made strides in recent months, such a transformation takes several years and millions of dollars to execute. Additionally, flourishing up-and-comers like Netflix and services from the tech sector, like Amazon’s  streaming service, will continue to put pressure on the company as it vies to grow its subscriber base across several platforms.  

Viacom18 Media Pvt. Ltd.
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Infosys Limited

Infosys Limited is an Indian IT-enabled company providing business consulting, software-based and business process management services. Infosys’ majority clients are based out of North America and Europe. It is headquartered in Bangalore, India and majority of its development centres are also present in India. Infosys recorded a 17 % growth in revenue in 2016.

Infosys was established by 7 engineers in Pune, India with an initial capital of $250 in 1981. It was registered as Infosys Consultants Private Limited on July 2, 1981. In 1983, it relocated its office to Bengaluru, Karnataka, India.


It provides software development, maintenance and independent validation services to companies in finance, insurance, manufacturing and other domains.

One of its known products is Finacle which is a universal banking solution with various modules for retail & corporate banking.

Over a period of time, the shareholding of its promoters has gradually reduced, starting from June 1993 when its shares were first listed on stock exchange. The promoters holdings reduced further with Employees Stock Options Schemes and listing of ADRs in 1999. 

The promoter holding on 31 March 2002 was 28.72% and at 30 Jun 2017 it dropped to 12.75% as they gradually sold their shares and reduced involvement in active management of the company.


SWOT analysis of Infosys

Strength:  Cost advantage due to a presence in India: Majority of Infosys’ 119 development centres are present in India, which gives it high-quality technical talent at a great cost advantage considering the fact that wage costs have been significantly lower in India than the developed parts of the world.

The strong partnership network of Infosys with IBM, Amazon and HP allows Infosys to deliver innovative and collaborative solutions.


Weaknesses:  Dependent on Limited markets: Infosys has concentrated operations majorly based out of the America and Europe. Together, North America and Europe constitute over 80% of the company’s revenue. This makes the company susceptible to instability and uneven growth.

(Note: Not covering growing markets and High Attrition rate are also affecting the company.)


Opportunities:  Invest in young technology companies: Infosys has been identifying potential and investing heavily in early stage technology companies. For instance, investments in Trifacta, a data wrangling software company and Waterline Data Science in the year 2016.Infosys should continue making investments in such companies as it provides the competitive technological advantage to Infosys.


Threates:  Rising wage inflation in India: For companies like Infosys, lower wage cost is a great competitive advantage, but there is a pressure of rising wages in India as well. Infosys has also had to abide by wage inflation to retain its technical staff. Such measures affect the operating margins for the company.

Intense competition: The IT services industry is a highly competitive industry. It is competing with large corporation like Accenture, tcs and capgimini. Hence it is passing through tough times.



Current status of Infosys

Infosys, India's second largest technology services company, quietly reached a significant landmark by the third quarter of this fiscal — it had 116 more women than men at its Mysore training campus. 


Across technology services companies, the challenge of creating an equal number of men and women in the workforce is past level one and in not too long a span. From less than 20% of the workforce being women around 2008, most companies today — including Infosys, Wipro  Mindtree, SAP, Accenture and Capgemini — report about half the entry-level recruits being women. 

Bengaluru: Global software major Infosys on Friday reported consolidated net profit of Rs 5,129 crore for the third quarter of fiscal 2017-18, registering 38.3 percent record annual growth from Rs 3,708 crore in the like period a year ago.

Sequentially too, net profit increased 37.6 percent from Rs 3,726 crore quarter ago. In a regulatory filing on the BSE, the IT major said consolidated revenue, however, grew 3 percent annually to Rs 17,794 crore for the quarter under review (Q3) from Rs 17,273 crore in the same period year ago.Sequentially too, revenue growth was flat (1 percent) from Rs 17,657 crore quarter ago.  (Zee News)

Under the International Financial Reporting Standard (IFRS), or in dollar terms, net income shot up 45 percent annually to $796 million in Q3 from $547 million in the like period year ago and 37.6 sequentially from Rs 578 crore a quarter ago.

Consolidated revenue, however, grew 8 percent annually to $2,755 million from $2,551 million in the like period year ago but remained flat (1 percent) sequentially from $2,728 million a quarter ago. (ET news)



Infosys' Lobo acknowledges challenges and moots a long-term perspective. "A career is a 30 year-plus association and we can't take a short term view of it due to pauses because of marriage or children." Infosys allows nine days a month to work from home , besides a focus on encouraging a return to work after maternity break. "Leadership takes time to happen. The focus continues on making a more collegial and safe working environment. We need more role models as well," says Lobo.


Nasscom's Gupta says, "Women need to ask, 'What next for me?' As men do." Shraddhanjali Rao, head of human resources, SAP India, sees an "unconscious bias. Diversity, or the lack of it, is a result of people making decisions about employees. Often, these appear to favour certain demographic groups. This is often not intentional - our own unconscious biases cause us to have implicit ideas about what an ideal employee or leader looks like, and our decisions are made accordingly." Business leaders need information at the point of decision, enabling them to rely less on gut feel about whether people "look right for a job" and more on jobrelevant data, insights and intelligence. (ET Magazines)

Conclusion:  I think Companies need tools that allow them to attract, engage and harness the best talent available in an increasingly diverse market . Still it is competing with amazon or other big companies so it shall has to take firm decision. And at last it should tend to have more women in senior roles. At Accenture, globally, women accounted for almost one-third of promotions to managing director in 2017.  


Infosys Limited
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